Abstract: The aims of this research are determine the influence of red pigment addition to
glazur colour (lighting rate, red spectrum intencity, and yellow spectrum intencity) and financial
variable (cost of goods manufactured, cost price, and ending inventory). Research results shew
that : (1) Red pigment addition influence to glazur colour (lighting rate, red spectrum intencity,
and yellow spectrum intencity). The increasing red pigment that added on test goods, so by
visually its lighting rate was decrease and the red glazur colour that resulted was dark. This think
was shown by L* value that so decrease (74,8until57,0) together with the increasing of red
pigment on glazur, or colour will change to black. The increasing red pigment that added on test
goods, so red spectrum intencity that resulted was increase. The addition of red spectrum
intencity was shown by its addition of a* value (11,68until26,4) from that glazur eguation. The
increasing red pigment that added on test goods, so red spectrum intencity that resulted was
decrease or glazur colour change to blue. The increasing of yellow spectrum intencity was
shown by its decreasing of b* value (15,0until10,8) from that glazur eguation. Its red glazur can
applied on castle mass, body mass, colouring stoneware, and uncolouring stoneware (white). The
addition of red pigment can increase art value of ceramics product. The red glazur (GMR) can
applied into production process of ganesha statue (l 14 cm, w 9 cm, h 17 cm); and (2) The red
pigment addition influence to financial variable (cost of goods manufactured, cost price, and
ending inventory) red glazur (GMR). The weight addition of red pigment about 0,50% (GMR-1),
0,99% (GMR-2), 1,48% (GMR-3), 1,96% (GMR-4), and 2,44% (GMR-5) can increase cost of
goods manufactured red glazur 19,34% (GMR-1), 23,05% (GMR-2), 26,77% (GMR-3), 30,17%
(GMR-4), and 34,03% (GMR-5).The weight addition of red pigment about 0,50% (GMR-1),
0,99% (GMR-2), 1,48% (GMR-3), 1,96% (GMR-4), and 2,44% (GMR-5) can increase cost price
of red glazur about 19,36% (GMR-1), 23,09% (GMR-2), 26,74% (GMR-3), 30,21% (GMR-4),
dan 34,11% (GMR-5). The weight addition of red pigment about 0,50% (GMR-1), 0,99%
(GMR-2), 1,48% (GMR-3), 1,96% (GMR-4), and 2,44% (GMR-5) can increase ending
inventory red glazur about 37,24% (GMR-1), 41,50% (GMR-2), 45,78% (GMR-3), 49,70%
(GMR-4), and 54,13% (GMR-5).If the Technology Service ofBTIKK want to get special red
glazur (GMR-1, GMR-2, GMR-3, GHR-4, and GMR-5) according to its red intencity, so Its can
acted, that follow by its increasing of cost of goods manufactred, cost price, and ending |