Authors: UDOH, Francis Sylvanus ,UMOH, Victor A. and EFFIOM, Michael B. ,Nigeria |
Abstract: Nigeria's current trade policy clearly acknowledges the role of international trade in the nation's
economy and therefore makes a strong reference to vibrant engagement in bilateral, regional and
multilateral trade negotiations, as a way of boosting trade and achieving full integration into the
global economy. The trade document entitled: Trade Policy of Nigeria is a bold step in
recognizing the need to be proactive at both the regional and multilateral levels of trade
negotiations. The study examines the effect of trade policy on the growth of Small – Medium
Enterprises in Nigeria. Despite the emphasis placed on trade policy in the management of the
economy, the SMEs sector inclusive, the Nigerian economy particularly SMEs are yet to come
on the path of sound growth and development. The main objective of this study was to examine
the effect of trade policy on the growth of Small – Medium Enterprises in Nigeria, from 1986 to
2017. Ex-post facto research design was adopted and the population of seventy-two thousand
eight hundred and thirty-eight (72,838) SMEs in Nigeria was used. The sample size was the
entire 72,838 SMEs of which the study relied on reports from World Bank, Central Bank
Statistical Bulletin and SMEDAN, thereby employing the Error Correction Mechanism (ECM)
tool of analysis to analyse the time series data. The study found that trade policy (proxies: tariff
and degree of trade openness) has no positive significant effect on the growth of SMEs in
Nigeria. Therefore, the study recommends that trade policy should be set in such a way that the
objectives the SMEs wants to achieve through tariff and degree of trade openness should be
realistic and feasible in terms of growth. |
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