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THE IMPACT OF THE TREND TOWARDS INTELLIGENT PRODUCTS IN CRISIS MANAGEMENT ( A field study on the Doves of Peace Center for children with autism in the city of Najaf)

Lect. Najihah Mahmmed Taher, Iraq

The research aims to direct the attention of those in charge of the educational process to the necessity of innovative products designed specifically for them by people of determination. Therefore, it was necessary for productive organizations to design and produce such intelligent products and to identify the actual reality of the impact of using those. The products help manage crises that learners with special needs may be exposed to and the effect this has on them and their families. The research problem is embodied in knowing the extent to which the Doves of Peace Center for People of Determination directs itself to use the intelligent product and the impact of this on crisis management. The importance of the research stems from the extent of the research center’s interest in the intelligent product and its significant impact as one of the factors in the educational upbringing mechanisms for people of determination, which helps in their learning and teaching, which gives special attention to academic institutions in acquiring the intelligent product to support learners with determination who are teachable, by knowing the extent of their interaction with this product—the product as an essential learning and teaching tool in light of the educational environment. The research reached many results, the most important of which was that the problem and issue of people of determination is not a one-party issue but is shared by several different parties. Each of them has a specific role, namely (the family - the state - educational institutions, and people of determination themselves), so if they join forces and unite... Efforts are made for the group to reach a high degree of scientific, educational, and social excellence by joining hands with the institutions and associations that care for them, in the presence and observation of both the teacher and the family, to transform into positive social behaviors on their part. The research sample included the Doves of Peace Center for children with autism in Najaf. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect primary data (60 forms) to determine the questionnaire results by knowing parents' opinions. Given this, preliminary data was obtained through the institution’s response. Data analysis and testing of research hypotheses using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.

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(Nov, 2018) of IJBMER Invite Research Article/Manuscript .